Sunday, November 27, 2011

Body Image Article

     I am going to write a picture book on body image. I figured that if I am going to do body image I have to read on people being too fat (or thinking it) and people on wanting to be skinny and forcing themselves to be. I read a story on being fat and forcing themselves to be skinny (anorexia).  In the story she says that she was always fat. In high school she had some problems in her house and her life and started to starve her eventually she had gotten seriously sick enough to have a chance of having a heart attack. Her mother was worried and she finally spilled. I thought that this story was really shocking because it showed me what could happen when you try to become thinner in all the wrong ways.
     I also read an article on a little girl who was 6 and how she thought she was too fat. (  in the story a 6 year old girl comes home from school to ask her mom why is she fat. She was shocked at what her daughter asked her. She one day took her daughter to the doctor and she checked her height and weight to calculate her BMI and she said that she was normal. Later the girl was called fat at a birthday party and she confronted the boy.  I think that this is sad because they are little kids and they shouldn’t be worrying about being fat because they can think about that when they get older.
     This social issue makes me mad because I think that people should be happy about who they are and what they look like no matter how old.

War in the Neighborhood

In my neighborhood of Crown Heights I feel like there is a lot of racism. There is a mix of West Indian, African American and orthodox Jewish people living here. I am part of the West Indian and African American group and I always feel like the orthodox are always staring me down like I did something to them. They might not like who we are but that doesn’t mean we like the things they do too. Fro example they tend to stand in biug groups in the middle of the street forcing us to have to maneuver through or around them. In my family we say “if they do something wrong to me, I will curse them out or punch them in the face.” especially my sister because she has a patience the size of an ant.
I think this is not right because I feel like we’re in a war that will never end. I think the cause of this is because before the neighborhood was filled with mostly West Indians, then when the Jews moved in it all went downhill from there. I think possible solutions would be if we both try to stop judging each other by the way we are and live as one.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

City of Ashes

       I just finished reading the city of ashes by Cassandra clare and I thought that it was an amazing book. It was full of surprises suspense and some unusual changes that were perfect to fit the book.
        This book was about a girl who learns she is a demon hunter and she has a brother who she thought was dead all of her life. Her father is an evil person who was willing to hurt her and her family just to get what he wants. Over the time she knew she was a demon hunter she has killed demons, but she has almost died many times herself. She has gone through many changes over the course of a few months or so. Her best friend becomes her boyfriend, her boyfriend becomes a vampire, and her vampire boyfriend ends up just wanting to be friends again.
        This book has many different kinds of meanings to it. For example it shows you that even though someone you know might not be your family they will always be part of you and your real family. Also that you should never give up. This is because all the times that Clary tried to save someone and failed she never gave up and always went back to try again.
        This book can change the way you think about some things if you read between the lines, it can make you realize what the true meaning of family is and how important it is to some people.

Two Voice Poem

I am thirteen years old
I hate the way I am
I am too fat to see my feet
I am so skinny I can see my ribs
Why am I like this?
What am I doing wrong?
Where did I go wrong?
What can I do to change?
Can anyone help me?
How can I help myself?
How can I change how much I weigh?
I am 209 pounds
I am 87 pounds
If only someone can help me 
But who will because I can’t help myself

        I came up with this poem because I thought about how looks of kids are ashamed about their bodies because they are either they are overweight or really under weight, so I made the poem from the perspective of an overweight person and an anorexic person. I wrote about how they feel and how they wish that they can change.
When I think about this issue I think that the reason why you’re like this is mostly your fault and if you want to change you have to do it yourself. Also that you’re the only person who can change if you try. To me I feel like you’re the way you are because you did it to yourself. You never listened to what anyone else had to say and you’re just making yourself worse by not listening.
     The issue of body image bothers me because I think that everyone should be happy with the way they look and they shouldn’t think that they are overweight or underweight unless someone like your DOCTOR says so.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

worlds on fire

Hearts are worn in these dark ages 
You're not alone in this story's pages 
Night has fallen amongst the living and the dying 
And I try to hold it in, yeah I try to hold it in 

The world's on fire and
It's more than I can handle 
I'll tap into the water
(I try to pull my ship)
I try to bring more 
More than I can handle 
(Bring it to the table)
Bring what I am able

I watch the heavens and I find a calling 
Something I can do to change this moment 
Stay close to me while the sky is falling 
Don't wanna be left alone, don't wanna be alone 


Hearts break, hearts mend
Love still hurts 
Visions clash, planes crash 
Still there's talk of 
Saving souls, still the cold
Is closing in on us 

We part the veil on our killer sun
Stray from the straight line on this short run 
The more we take, the less we become 
A fortune of one that means less for some 

[Chorus X2]
This song is about how people are hungry and less fortunate than us in the world and how other people are greedy only thinking about money and fame.
This songs message shows that instead of using money to do things that are meaningless donate to people that need it. The video that sarah made she showed all the things she donated the money that would have made her video. She helped millions of poor unhealthy people.
This songs makes me feel like I need to help out in the world more because it helps not just the people out it makes me know that I need to appreciate what  I have because people have a lot less than what we have.
This song is also about how people may be greedy and inconsiderate but there are still those people who care. That is why I like this song because it shows me that there are famous people out there who aren’t greedy for money.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friends Are Family and Family are Friends.

In the book City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare, one of the characters Jace has a real sister, Clary and fake sister and brother, Isabelle and Alec. Clary is a more of a friend then a sister to Jace, and Isabelle and Alec are more like siblings to him then friends. This is because Jace has lived with Alec and Isabelle all his life but was in love with Clary before they found out they were siblings. This reminds me of myself because the same thing happens to me.
        My friends are more like siblings to me because I’ve known them all my life, but some of my family members kids mostly are friends because I don’t see them often or I don’t treat them like family. For example my best friends at school are like my family because I see them all the time and I love to be around them, but some of my family members I never see so I just treat them like a friend like I don’t really talk to them much.
        This is a weird kind of thing because usually friends are just friends, but family is family only treating them like family. This shows that in my life and I his life everything is twisted around, everything is opposite of what you usually see.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blogs That are Awesome!!

One blog that I read that was really good was Eliza’s because it had a lot of symbolism in it. In her blog post she said that the symbols in her book were a horse and a carriage, she also explained why. She wrote about every way it relates to the book and how each symbol relates to a certain character.
        I think that this blog post was really great I hope there are more to come.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Clarrisa Fray Hero or Sidekick?

Hero or side kick, Clarissa Fray
She does not fight
Not even once a day
She tags along and tries to help
But always fails

Hero or side kick, Clarrisa Fray
She does not fight
Not even once a day
She gets others hurt
But how? Because she can’t fight
It’s just not right

Hero or side kick, Clarrisa Fray
She does not fight
Not even once a day

In the book City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, there is a girl named Clarrisa or Clary for short. She is always the first person to want to go help someone when they need it. When her brother was captured by a evil demon she was the first person to urge everyone to go. Is she a hero or a sidekick?
     I am asking this question because she may want to go but most of the time her friends are the one that does all the rescuing. For example, when he friend was taken, she was the first to go help but she wasn’t the one that got hurt. Most of the time she walks away with little scratches, but her friends, they have their blood and the demon blood all over them. Is she a hero or a side kick?
     Clarissa Fray is a person of many fears she can’t fight she looks away when trying to kill something, while a hero isn’t supposed to be afraid of anything. They just do what they do and get it over with, saving any one needed to be saved. A side kick however is the one that there to “help” when the hero needs it. So is she a Hero or a sidekick?
     Clarissa Fray is the type of person that in the fight but not in it. For example when she went to go save her brother with her “father” she just stood around as the bad guy and her “father” fight it out till death. As her “father” is about to die she runs over to “help by trying to stop the killing. She is such a sidekick
     Clarissa Fray is such a sidekick.