Saturday, November 19, 2011

City of Ashes

       I just finished reading the city of ashes by Cassandra clare and I thought that it was an amazing book. It was full of surprises suspense and some unusual changes that were perfect to fit the book.
        This book was about a girl who learns she is a demon hunter and she has a brother who she thought was dead all of her life. Her father is an evil person who was willing to hurt her and her family just to get what he wants. Over the time she knew she was a demon hunter she has killed demons, but she has almost died many times herself. She has gone through many changes over the course of a few months or so. Her best friend becomes her boyfriend, her boyfriend becomes a vampire, and her vampire boyfriend ends up just wanting to be friends again.
        This book has many different kinds of meanings to it. For example it shows you that even though someone you know might not be your family they will always be part of you and your real family. Also that you should never give up. This is because all the times that Clary tried to save someone and failed she never gave up and always went back to try again.
        This book can change the way you think about some things if you read between the lines, it can make you realize what the true meaning of family is and how important it is to some people.


  1. I like how in this post you wrapped up a theme you had been following throughout the book about family, friends and the real difference. I also liked how you explained the meanings of the book overall, and how it changed from beginning to end.

  2. really nice post. good job of keeping your summarizing to a minnimum and not getting carried away with it.
