Friday, November 11, 2011

Friends Are Family and Family are Friends.

In the book City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare, one of the characters Jace has a real sister, Clary and fake sister and brother, Isabelle and Alec. Clary is a more of a friend then a sister to Jace, and Isabelle and Alec are more like siblings to him then friends. This is because Jace has lived with Alec and Isabelle all his life but was in love with Clary before they found out they were siblings. This reminds me of myself because the same thing happens to me.
        My friends are more like siblings to me because I’ve known them all my life, but some of my family members kids mostly are friends because I don’t see them often or I don’t treat them like family. For example my best friends at school are like my family because I see them all the time and I love to be around them, but some of my family members I never see so I just treat them like a friend like I don’t really talk to them much.
        This is a weird kind of thing because usually friends are just friends, but family is family only treating them like family. This shows that in my life and I his life everything is twisted around, everything is opposite of what you usually see.


  1. I think this is a clever response. I like how you introduced your idea with a text example in the first paragraph, and then gave a text-to-self connection. That was also good because you let readers think about their own friends and family, and who's really who. I think your last sentence is very thought-provoking and ties up you whole idea. Good job!

  2. Nice job. Really good job with relating the characters and whats going on in the book to yourself.

  3. Good text example, along with a good connection with the two books. Good job!
